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How to Choose your DEVI Matting Underfloor Heating

July 21, 2014 Jake

Start by measuring the free surface area, and make a sketch of the room similar to the one pictured on the right. Choose the closest size of DEVImat (always rounding down to the nearest size).

Step By Step Guide

Step one

Select the type of DEVImat you require. For timber based floors use 100 Watts per m2, for concrete based floors use 150 Watts per m2.

If your floor consists of two types of construction, e.g. one half has a timber based floor and one half has a concrete based floor, each area should be controlled by its dedicated controller.

Step two

Select your required DEVImat to cover your free floor area. Select a DEVImat or combination of mats equivalent to the available free floor area, excluding all floor obstructions (i.e. bath or kitchen uints).

Step three

Finally select your DEVImat controller. Generally only one controller will be needed, but for larger area the following applies; timber floors use one controller per 35m2, and concrete floors use one controller per 23m2.

Floor Layouts

Plan using one mat

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